Friday, October 1, 2010

Starting up a small business! Where to start?

Well - here is it! The first of what will be many wines...I meetings (!!) about how do we start up our small business!

As you can expect - lots of ideas were flowing (as was the wine!) but we did get down to business and here were the things that we initially discussed:

*ABN Number
*Domain registration (we had already made the decision on the name) and the associated IT bibs and bobs that we are rapidly learning about!
*Website? What/how much/who/when!?  A million things to think about here....
*Joint bank account - how much to start with?
*Product research - internet, ebay, wholesalers, international/interstate etc....
*Business cards
*Artwork (thanks Adam!)
*Photos photos photos!

I am sure that there is more - but this is all that I can think about for now......

It is very serious stuff the business of starting up a small business!  Perhaps you can tell from our faces......?

Bye for now!

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